The CLINTON RETAIL Ltd ( "CLINTON", information on CLINTON you get here ), is pleased that you visit our website.
Data protection and data security when using our website are very important to us. We would therefore like to inform you at this point which of your personal data we collect when you visit our website and for which purposes it is used.
Since changes in the law or changes in our internal processes may necessitate an adaptation of this privacy policy, we ask you to read this privacy policy regularly. The privacy policy can be viewed, saved and printed at any time under the privacy policy.


The person responsible within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:
Telephone +353 87 274 0172 (during business hours, Mon-Fri 9-19:00 clock)
This privacy policy applies to the internet offer of CLINTON RETAIL LTD, which is available under the domain and the various subdomains (hereinafter referred to as "our website")


Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. These include, for example, information such as your name, age, address, phone number, date of birth, e-mail address, IP address or user behavior. Information in which we can not (or only with disproportionate effort make) a reference to your person, eg by anonymizing the information, are not personal data. The processing of personal data (eg collecting, querying, using, storing or transmitting) always requires a legal basis or your consent. Processed personal data will be deleted,
If we process your personal data for the provision of certain offers, we will inform you about the specific processes, the scope and purpose of the data processing, the legal basis for the processing and the respective retention period.





When calling and using our website, we collect the personal data that your browser automatically transmits to our server. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file. When you use our website, we collect the following information that is technically necessary for us to display our website and to ensure its stability and safety:

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file
  • Website from which access takes place (referrer URL)
  • browser used and, if applicable, the operating system of your computer, as well as the name of your access provider


Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR as legal basis. The processing of the aforementioned data is necessary for the provision of a website and thus serves to protect the legitimate interests of our company.


As soon as the mentioned data for displaying the website are no longer required, they will be deleted. The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of the data in log files is imperative for the operation of the website. There is consequently no contradiction on the part of the user. Further storage may be made in individual cases if required by law.



On our website, we offer you the opportunity to register by providing personal information.
With the processed data we create for you an individualized user account, with which you can use certain contents and achievements like the history of your orders, the administration of your address and customer account data, as well as the memo function on our website. We process your e-mail address so that we can send you new access data in case you forget it.
In the following overview you can see in detail which personal data we process from you during a registration:

  • salutation
  • Surname
  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth (optional)


The processing of the personal data presented (see § 4 2. a.) Is based on Article 6 (1) lit. a GDPR.


Once the registration on our website is suspended or modified, the data processed during the registration process will be deleted. Further storage may be made in individual cases if required by law.


As a user, you have the option of cancelling the registration at any time. The data stored about you can be changed at any time. To do so, proceed as follows: Changes to your data can be changed at any time via the "My Account" section, after entering the e-mail address and passwords. If you want to delete your customer account, you can also do this under " My BUTLERS >> Edit my profile". If you need help with deleting or changing your registration data, please contact our customer service .
However, if the processed data are required to fulfill a contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures, premature deletion of the data is only possible, as far as non-contractual or legal obligations are in conflict.



On our website, we offer users the opportunity to purchase, specifying personal information goods. The data required for this purpose are entered in an input mask and transmitted to us and stored. A transfer of data to third parties does not take place. The following data is collected during the ordering process:

•    salutation
•    Surname
•    address
•    Date of birth
•    E-mail address
•    Payment Information
•    Date of birth (when buying an invoice)

Your data will be forwarded to the shipping company commissioned with the delivery, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery of the goods. To process payments, we pass on your payment data to the bank responsible for the payment. These companies may use your data only for order processing and not for further purposes.
If you purchase goods on our website and deposit your e-mail address here, this can be used by us to send a newsletter regarding your own similar goods or services.


In the processing of your personal data (see § 4 3. a.), Which are required to fulfill a contract of sale concluded with us, Art. 6 para. b GDPR as legal basis. This also applies to processing operations required to carry out pre-contractual measures.
The legal basis for the dispatch of the newsletter as a result of the acquisition of goods is § 7 Abs. 3 UWG.


With complete processing of the contract and full payment of the purchase price, your data will be blocked for further use and deleted after expiry of the tax and commercial retention periods, unless you have expressly consented to the further use of your data. Further storage may be made in individual cases if required by law.



On our website you can subscribe to a free newsletter. In order to be able to send you the newsletter regularly, we need the following information from you:
•    E-mail address
In connection with the newsletter dispatch no transfer of your data to third parties takes place.
Optionally, you can submit further information, such as salutation and name, postal address, mobile number and date of birth.
For the newsletter dispatch we use the so-called double opt-in procedure, ie we will only send you the newsletter if you confirm your registration via a confirmation email sent to you for this purpose by means of the included link. We want to make sure that only you as the owner of the specified e-mail address can subscribe to the newsletter. Your confirmation must be sent promptly after receiving the confirmation e-mail, otherwise your newsletter subscription will be automatically deleted from our database.


The processing of your e-mail address as well as optional salutation and name for the newsletter delivery is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR on the following voluntarily submitted declaration of consent:


By entering my data and pressing the button "subscribe now" I declare my consent to the processing of my e-mail address, the title and the name for a regular newsletter distribution. I can unsubscribe from the newsletter service at any time by clicking on the corresponding link at the end of the newsletter and revoking my consent. In addition, I can make other voluntary information (such as postal address, mobile number, date of birth) to be informed by email, phone, SMS or letter about other services, products and promotions.
Furthermore, I agree that my personal data mentioned above together with the data on my reactions to the received information (transaction data, communication data from newsletters, such as openings and clicks) and other data (products in the shopping cart, redeemed vouchers, web Behavior) from my use of the website by the Clinton Retail Ltd be used to individually tailored to my interests information to receive.
The consent to the collection and use of the personal data collected during the registration process can be revoked at any time.


Your e-mail address and optional salutation and name will be saved as long as you have subscribed to the newsletter. After unsubscribing from the newsletter, your e-mail address will be deleted. Further storage may be made on a case-by-case basis if required by law.



On our website, we offer you to contact us via a provided form. As part of the process of sending your request via the contact form, we refer you to this privacy policy to obtain your consent. If you use the contact form, the following personal data will be processed by you:

•    E-mail address
•    salutation
•    Surname
•    Order and customer number (if question concerns an order)

Specifying your e-mail address serves the purpose of being able to assign your inquiry and to answer you. When using the contact form no transfer of your personal data to third parties.


The data processing described above (see § 4 5. a.) For the purpose of establishing contact takes place pursuant to Art. 6 para. a and Art. 6 para. 1 lit.f.


As soon as the request you have made has been completed and the relevant facts clarified, the personal data processed via the contact form will be deleted. Further storage may be made on a case-by-case basis if required by law.


We only share your personal information with third parties if:

•    For this you expressly consent to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR
•    this is legally permissible and, according to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR is required to fulfill a contractual relationship with you
•    according to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. c GDPR for the passing on a legal obligation exists
•    the disclosure pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR is required to safeguard legitimate corporate interests and to assert, exercise or defend legal claims and there is no reason to assume that you have a predominantly legitimate interest in not disclosing your data.



We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small files that are sent to and stored by your device's browser as part of your visit to our website. Some features of our website can not be offered without the use of technically necessary cookies. Other cookies, on the other hand, allow us to carry out various analyzes. Cookies, for example, are able to recognize the browser you are using when visiting our website again and to submit various information to us. Among other things, we use cookies to make our website more user-friendly and effective for you, for example, by tracking your use of our website and identifying your favorite settings (such as country and language settings). If third parties process information via cookies, they collect the information directly from your browser. Cookies do not damage your device. You can not run programs or contain viruses.
Our website uses various types of cookies whose nature and function are explained in more detail below.
Persistent cookies are used on our website. Persistent cookies are cookies that are stored in your browser for a longer period of time and that transmit information to us. The respective storage duration differs depending on the cookie. You can independently delete persistent cookies through your browser settings.


These cookies are required for technical reasons so that you can visit our website and use the features offered by us. This relates, for example, to the following applications: storage of the shopping cart, presentation of product recommendations.
In addition, these cookies contribute to the safe and proper use of the website.


With the help of these cookies, we are able to perform an analysis of the website usage and improve the performance and functionality of our website. For example, it collects information about how our website is used by visitors, which pages are accessed most frequently, or whether error messages appear on certain pages.


Advertising cookies (third party providers) allow you to view various offers that suit your interests. These cookies can be used to track users' web activity over a longer period of time. You may recognize the cookies on various devices you use.
The following third-party providers receive personal data via cookies integrated on our website:

•    Facebook / Instagram
•    Criteo
•    Google
•    Sovendus
•    Interactive Performance
•    Various affiliate partners (eg Kupona, Target Performance, Affilinet, Medialead, cqutiont)
•    Bing
•    Trusted Shops

Furthermore, certain cookies allow you to connect to your social networks and share content from our website within your networks.


Due to the described uses (see § 6. a.), The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies is set out in Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. If you have given us your consent for the use of cookies on the basis of a notice given by us on the website ("cookie banner"), the legality of the use is additionally governed by Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.


As soon as the data transmitted via the cookies to us are no longer necessary for the achievement of the purposes described above, this information will be deleted. Further storage may be made in individual cases if required by law.


Most browsers are pre-set to accept cookies by default. However, you can configure your browser to accept only certain or no cookies at all. We point out, however, that you may not be able to use all features of our website if cookies are deactivated by your browser settings on our website. Using your browser settings, you can also delete cookies already stored in your browser or display the storage duration. It is also possible to set your browser to notify you before cookies are stored. Since the different browsers may differ in their respective functions, we ask you to
If you would like a comprehensive overview of all third-party access to your Internet browser, we recommend the installation of specially developed plug-ins.


We use tracking and analysis tools to ensure continuous optimization and tailor-made design of our website. With the help of tracking measures, it is also possible for us to statistically record the use of our website by visitors and to further develop our online offer with the help of the insights gained thereby. Due to these interests, the use of the tracking and analysis tools described below in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR justified. If you have given us your consent for the use of cookies on the basis of a notice given by us on the website ("cookie banner"), the legality of the use is additionally governed by Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountainview, CA 94043 USA ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by you.
The information generated by these cookies, such as the time, place and frequency of your use of this website, is usually transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. When using Google Analytics, it is not excluded that the cookies set by Google Analytics, in addition to the IP address and other personal information. We point out that Google may transfer this information to third parties, if required by law, or as far as third parties process this data on behalf of Google.
The information generated by cookies will be used by Google on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by Google Analytics within the framework of Google Analytics is not combined by Google with other data provided by Google.
You can generally prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly. We point out, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of this website in full.
It is not excluded that the cookies set by Google Analytics can collect other personal data in addition to the IP address. In order to prevent information about your use of the website from being collected by Google Analytics and transferred to Google Analytics, you can download and install a plugin for your browser under the following link: hl = de .
This plugin prevents information about your visit to the website from being transmitted to Google Analytics. Any other analysis is not prevented by this plugin.
We point out that you can not use the browser plug-in described above when visiting our website via the browser of a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). When using a mobile device, you can prevent Google Analytics from collecting your usage information by clicking the following link: Disable Google Analytics .
By clicking on this link, a so-called opt-out cookie is placed in your browser. This prevents information about your visit to the website from being transmitted to Google Analytics. Please note that the opt-out cookie is only valid for this browser and only for this domain. If you delete the cookies in this browser, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted. To continue to prevent Google Analytics tracking, you must click the link again. The use of the opt-out cookie is also possible as an alternative to the above plug-in when using the browser on your computer.
To ensure the best possible protection of your personal data, Google Analytics has been expanded to include the code "anonymizeIp" on this website. This code causes the last 8 bits of the IP addresses to be deleted and your IP address to be recorded anonymously (so-called IP masking). Your IP address will be shortened by Google in principle prior to the transfer within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and thereby anonymized. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there.


We use Google AdWords technology, specifically conversion tracking. Google Conversion Tracking is an analytics service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. If you click on a Google-served ad, a conversion tracking cookie will be placed on your PC. The cookies are valid for 30 days and are not for personal identification. If you visit certain pages on our website, if the cookie has not expired, Google and we, too, can recognize that you have clicked on a particular ad and have been redirected to this page. Google AdWords customers will each receive a different cookie. There is no way to track cookies through the websites of advertisers.
Conversion cookie data is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords advertisers who use conversion tracking. Customers will be told the number of users who clicked on their ad and were subsequently redirected to a conversion tracking tag page. However, they do not receive any information that personally identifies users.
If you do not want to participate in the conversion tracking, you can prevent this by setting it in your browser, for example, in such a way that the installation of cookies is generally prevented. You can also disable cookies for conversion tracking by setting your browser to block only cookies from the web address"".


We use Google Remarketing technology from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Remarketing shows ads to people who have already visited our Web sites and online services and are interested in a particular offer. Within the Google Network, targeted and interest-based ads can appear on our site. Google Remarketing uses cookies for this analysis. This will allow our visitors to be recognized as soon as they visit websites within Google's advertising network. Within the Google ad network, targeted and interest-based ads can appear on the Google Network sites previously visited by the visitor.
If you do not want to see targeted, interest-based advertising, you can disable Google's use of cookies for these purposes via the link: .


Our website uses cookies / advertising IDs for advertising purposes. This allows us to show our advertisements to visitors who are interested in our products on affiliate websites, apps and emails. Re-targeting technologies use cookies or promotional IDs and display advertising based on your previous browsing behavior. To refuse this interest-based advertising, please visit the following websites:
We can share information such as technical identifiers from your registration information on our [Website / App] or our CRM system with trusted advertising partners. This will link your devices and / or environments and offer you a seamless experience of using the devices and environments you use. For more details on these linking capabilities, please refer to the privacy policy that you will find in the aforementioned platforms or the explanations below.
Criteo Privacy Policy:


For the optimized delivery of advertising campaigns on the Internet, KUPONA media & Target Performance collects anonymised information and data on users' surfing behavior on this page. Here are so-called cookie text files stored on your computer. Following an algorithm-based analysis of surfing behavior, KUPONA & Target Performance can also make targeted product recommendations on other websites in the form of product-specific advertising banners.
The use of cookies serves only to optimize the offer, a personal identification of the user remains excluded as well as the use and disclosure of data to third parties. If you nevertheless want to object to the use of anonymised cookie files and the corresponding analysis of your surfing behavior, you have the option on the following page:


Target Performance:




This site also uses retargeting technology to target advertisers on our partners' websites who are already interested in our products. The display of the advertising material takes place during retargeting on the basis of a cookie, which is set when a product page is called up. Of course, no personal data are stored in this case, and of course, the use of retargeting technology takes place in compliance with the applicable legal data protection regulations. If you do not want to receive interest-based advertising, you can disable visitors' use of cookies by Google by viewing the ad preferences.Call up the deactivation page of the network advertising initiative.



Our social networking social plug-ins are "Facebook" (Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA), Pinterest (Pinterest Inc., 651 Brannan St., San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. ) contain. These services are offered by the respective companies ("providers"). As part of our online presence, the social plug-ins are identified by the respective, belonging to the service buttons. On the basis of the data transmitted via the social plug-ins to the respective service, the latter may assign you to your account. In order to increase the protection of your data on our website, the social plug-ins are integrated on our website by means of the so-called "2-click solution". This ensures that when you visit a page of our website,
The activation of the function of the respective social plugin takes place in two stages. To activate a social plugin, you must first click on the link on our website. This activates the social plugins and your browser connects to the servers of the respective provider. With a second click, you can now interact with the social plugin and, for example, submit your recommendation. If you are already logged in to one of the social networks of the providers, the providers can directly assign the visit of this website to your profile. If you interact with the social plugins by clicking, the corresponding information is also transmitted directly to a server of the provider and stored there. The information may also be posted on the social network and displayed there under your contacts. If you want to prevent such direct assignment of your data collected via our website to your profile, you must log out of your account of the respective provider before visiting our websites.
The scope and purpose of the data collection by the respective service as well as the further processing and use of your data can be found in the privacy policy directly from the website of the service. There you will also get more information about your privacy rights and settings options to protect your privacy.

a) Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA

b) Pinterest Inc., 651 Brannan St., San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.


We offer you the opportunity to sign up for our service via "Facebook" login plugins (Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA) . An additional registration on our website is not necessary. To register, you will be redirected to the provider's website, where you can log in with your user data. This links your Facebook profile and our service. By linking we will automatically receive the following information from "Facebook": first name, last name and e-mail address.
This information is essential for the provision of our customer area and the conclusion of the contract in order to be able to identify it.
For more information about the social logins please refer to the privacy policy of Facebook .


On our website are so-called hyperlinks to websites of other providers. By activating these hyperlinks, you will be redirected from our website directly to the website of the other providers. You will recognize this by, among other things, changing the URL. We can not accept responsibility for the confidentiality of your information on these third party websites, as we have no control over their compliance with privacy policies. Please inform yourself directly about the handling of your personal data by these companies.


The GDPR gives you as the data subject the processing of personal data the following rights:

  • According to Art. 15 GDPR, you may request information about your personal data processed by us. They may, in particular, provide information on the processing purposes, the categories of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been disclosed or the planned storage period, the right to rectification, deletion, limitation of processing or opposition, the existence of a The right to complain, the origin of their data, if it has not been collected from us, via a transfer to third countries or to international organizations as well as the existence of an automated decision-making including profiling and, if necessary, meaningful information about their details.
  • According to Art. 16 GDPR you can immediately request the correction of incorrect or the completion of your personal data stored by us.
  • According to Art. 17 GDPR, you may request the deletion of your personal data stored with us, as far as the processing is not for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information, for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for reasons of the public interest or for the assertion, exercise or defense of Legal claims is required.
  • According to Art. 18 GDPR you can demand the restriction of the processing of your personal data, as far as the accuracy of the data is disputed by you, the processing is unlawful, we no longer need the data and you refuse their deletion, because you assert this, exercise or defense of legal claims. You are also entitled to the right under Art. 18 GDPR if you object to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR.
  • According to Art. 20 GDPR you may request to receive your personal data provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format or you may request the transfer to another person in charge.
  • According to Art. 7 (3) GDPR, you can revoke your once given consent at any time. As a result, we are no longer allowed to continue the data processing based on this consent for the future.
  • According to Art. 77 GDPR you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority of your usual place of residence, your workplace or our company headquarters.


When processing your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, you have the right to file an objection against the processing of your personal data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, as far as there are reasons for this arising from your particular situation or if the objection is directed against direct mail. In the case of direct mail, there is a general right of objection for you, which is implemented by us without specifying any particular situation.


We are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your personal information confidential. To prevent any manipulation, loss or misuse of your stored data, we take extensive technical and organizational security measures that are periodically reviewed and adapted to technological progress. Among other things, this includes the use of recognized encryption methods (SSL or TLS). However, please note that due to the structure of the Internet, it is possible that the rules of data protection and the above mentioned safeguards will not be observed by other persons or institutions not within our area of responsibility. In particular, unencrypted disclosed data -. B. if this is done by e-mail - read by third parties. We have no technical influence on this. It is the responsibility of the user to protect the data provided by him by encryption or otherwise against misuse.
As of: 31.10.2018